Good evening, brothers. I was pulled over to drink as soon as I landed in Xiamen. I am afraid that I will get drunk like last night. Let me tell you about the market trend tonight:

$BTC rebounded during the day, and was smashed down again. The high point of this rebound is getting lower and lower. I just want to ask you if it is hot. Oh no, I just want to ask you if you are afraid.

Pay attention to the position of 58200 at night. If the 4-hour level closes at 12 o'clock and does not stand above this position, then this wave of rebound is over. If it continues to fall, pay attention to the support level below 57500-56500-56000!

If the closing line at 12 o'clock stands above 58200, it will continue to rebound upward. Pay attention to the upper pressure level near 58880-59820-60580! #BTC走势分析

$ETH Pay attention to the position of 2615 at night. If the 4-hour level closes at 12 o'clock and fails to stand above this position, then this wave of rebound is over. If it continues to fall, pay attention to the support level below 2560-2515-2475!

If the closing line at 12 o'clock stands above 2615, it will continue to rebound upward. Pay attention to the upper pressure level near 2670-2720-2755! #ETH走势分析

(Want to know the daily trend analysis of Ethereum, please pay attention to it quickly. We will bring you the latest market analysis and accurate pin points every day)