Recently, Bitget, a leading global cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, announced that WUFFI ($WUF) is officially launched in its new zone and meme zone. The total supply of $WUF available for purchase on Bitget is 46,666,666,666. WUFFI ($WUF) deposits are now open, and trading has started at 18:00 on August 15, 2024, Beijing time, and withdrawals have officially started at 19:00 on August 16, 2024, Beijing time.

At the same time as $WUF was launched on Bitget, Bitget also launched various promotions. Users can share their own rewards from 26,666,666,667 WUF by completing various activities such as WUFFI spot trading, futures trading and recommendation tasks. Bitget also launched a 7-day limited-time promotion for buying cryptocurrencies. You can use a credit/debit card to buy WUFFI with 0% handling fee, supporting more than 140 currencies, including EUR, GBP, AUD and CAD.

For more details, please visit 👉

Billions of $WUF are still up for grabs! Complete various Bitget tasks to get a piece of the prize pool of over 46 billion $WUF. Time is running out, don't miss out!

The listing of WUFFI ($WUF) on Bitget is a testament to Bitget's efforts to expand its listed tokens and a testament to the growing strength and popularity of WUFFI ($WUF). WUFFI and its versatile cryptocurrency $WUF are revolutionizing the cryptocurrency landscape on WAX, Solana, BASE, and TON blockchains. $WUF is positioned as an all-in-one token that transcends traditional boundaries and combines meme coins, games, and other content.

The project is rapidly expanding, integrating seamlessly with various platforms and games. The most significant innovation of WUFFI is the WuffiTap game launched on Telegram, which is also the latest member of the WUFFI universe. This dynamic integration provides users with a unique combination of entertainment and utility, enhancing the reach and functionality of the $WUF ecosystem. As $WUF continues to grow, it aims to become a cornerstone of digital interaction, making waves on multiple blockchains and bringing diverse experiences to its community.

To celebrate the launch of $WUF on Bitget, the WUFFI project also launched the WUFFI X Bitget community exclusive airdrop event. The airdrop event rewards WUF up to $30,000! In addition, users will have the opportunity to receive $200 worth of $WUF for their first transaction on Bitget.

Event Details:

Event time: 18:00, August 14, 2024 - 18:00, August 18, 2024 (Beijing time)

How to participate:

  1. Open WuffiTap:

  2. Go to the Missions tab → Special Missions → Complete all Bitget missions.

  3. Complete your first transaction ($10+) on Bitget and stand a chance to win up to $200 in $WUF and 700,000 PAW!

*Friendly reminder: This article is for popular science purposes only and does not constitute any investment advice!