The cryptocurrency market plummeted and the retail investors who chased high prices 📉The market funds have been harvested, and the cryptocurrency market may enter a long-term bearish period⚠️

Long and short double-eat a wave, is it difficult⁉️Detailed analysis of long and short double-eat operations🩸

I am very happy that I achieved a wave of long and short double-eat yesterday🤑🤑Is the long and short double-eat operation bragging? Is it difficult to eat long and short double⁉️

How can I do the long and short double-holding operation? In fact, I will simply tell you how we did this round of long and short double-eat. You may think that it is easy to achieve a wave of East double-eat‼ ️‼ ️

First, let's take a look at how the long and short double-holding long orders are done? From August 13, Ethereum rose from 2600 to 2780 on August 14, which can be regarded as a round of Ethereum's strong upward trend. So what should we do in the upward trend? Of course we should go long, right? But how to go long? Take more at a low position, right? The normal and correct operation should be to take more at a low position after the upward trend is confirmed. So we placed a long order at 2616 of Ethereum. We can see that after hitting 2785, Ethereum fell all the way to 2585 on August 15, so our long order at 2616 successfully entered the market. But after Ethereum fell from 2785 to 2585, we actually thought that the trend had turned from rising to falling📉

But because we took a long order at a low level, this long order is still profitable, but Ethereum fell from 2785 to 2585, which is actually considered to be the end of the rising trend and the start of the falling trend. So normally, we can't hold this long order for a long time, right? Because we actually made the decision to place a long order at a low level on August 14, but after our long order entered the market on August 15, the falling trend had actually started. But because we took a long order at a low level, our long order is very safe, and when the falling trend starts, we still have a slight floating profit. So after the price rose to 2680 last night, our long order service should be close to 50 points. I have already said that the downward trend has started, so our long orders reversed to stop profit, reversed to enter the market, and followed the trend to short. Then you can see that after we shorted near 2660, the market fell from 2660 to 2510 this morning, a drop of 150 points, so we achieved a wave of long and short double gains🤑🤑#美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落