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First of all, if you are interested in the market, you can study the trend chart in Figure 1. Has Ethereum released a downward signal? We can switch to one hour first⚠️

After Ethereum hit 2785 and reached its highest point on August 14, two huge negative lines were quickly found in one hour, and it fell rapidly. It fell to a low of 2585 on August 15. It can be regarded as the beginning of a downward trend. So in the front, because of the upward trend, we arranged a long order and took long at a low position. After taking long at 2625, there was a rebound last night, rising to 2680. As I have told you before, the previous wave of downward trend can be regarded as the beginning of the decline, so our long orders should not be held for so many orders for a long time and then open short after taking profit. Achieve a wave of long and short double kills. 🤑🤑🤑
