Why did Bitcoin plummet? Trying to be unique? There are not many assets in the world that have fallen

Since the US stock market fell in July, it has almost returned to the closing level on July 31. What was the price of Bitcoin on July 31? 66,220 US dollars, and now the price is around 57,500, which is almost a difference of 10,000 US dollars. Last night, global assets were all rising, and almost no assets fell. Only Bitcoin fell, and it fell sharply. What's going on? Maybe the liquidation of Mentougou is still going on, or the US government is shipping. The worst case scenario is that the dog dealer is maliciously manipulating the market and cutting leeks.

Last night, the United States announced the unemployment benefits, and the results were lower than expected, indicating that employment is strong and the economic recession has not come. The US stock market and Bitcoin also rose at the same time, but after 0 o'clock, the US stock market and Bitcoin also parted ways, one up and the other down, in two completely different directions. It can only be said that the currency circle is too affected by the operation of the giant whale, the dog dealer is ruthless, and the leeks are miserable (seeing the good news, they rise sharply, but they are ambushed by the dog dealer).

However, we analyzed yesterday that the support level is 56200. Those who placed buy orders here also bought at the lowest point as expected. The current price is also 1200 points higher. However, I suggest you hold it for a while. The current one-hour K-line shows that it will enter an upward trend. If you really can't hold it, you can withdraw the principal first and hold the profit.

Back to today's market analysis: From the K-line, the 1-hour level has a bottoming phenomenon and is about to enter an upward trend. The 4-hour and 12-hour levels are downward trends. The daily level signal has just re-entered a downward trend. The intraday pressure level is 59600, and the support level is 55080.