Buterin Sold All His Meme Coins: Converted to Dollars and Did What?

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin explained what he did by selling all his animal-themed meme coins.

Vitalik Buterin made some remarkable statements in his X post dated August 15. Buterin announced that he sold all the animal-themed meme coins sent to his wallet by projects.

He also stated that he donated tens of millions of dollars from the sales to the Animal Welfare Fund (Effective Altruism Funds):

All animal coins collected since last year have been donated to charity!

However, I appreciate that the coins are allocated directly to charity.

However, Buterin addressed everyone and said that we are in 2024 and we can develop more complicated donation movements:

We are in 2024, we can start doing more complicated public goods financing.

Last week, Buterin caused some meme coins to drop by more than 60% with his sales of animal-themed meme coins.

He then signaled a possible donation by transferring Ethereum between his wallets. Buterin has made similar donations before.

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