⚠️*Binance Delists 6 Cryptocurrencies: Key Details and Action Required*⚠️
Important Dates:

- Last withdrawal date: August 26, 2024

- Deadline to sell or square off positions: August 19, 2024

Affected Cryptocurrencies:

- $CVP (PowerPool)

- $EPX (Ellipsis)

- $FOR (ForTube)

- LOOM (Loom Network)

- $REEF (Reef Finance)

- VGX (Voyager Token)

Reasons for Delisting:

- Low trading activity

- Insufficient liquidity

- Minimal development progress

Action Required:

If you hold any of these assets, take action before the deadline:

1. Transfer them to another exchange or personal wallet.

2. Sell or square off your positions by August 19, 2024.

3. Monitor price recovery and adjust your stance accordingly.

Binance conducts annual audits to ensure listed assets meet compliance standards, leading to the delisting of these cryptocurrencies.

#LowestCPI2021 #delisting #Alert🔴 #BinanceLaunchpoolTON #InvestSmartly