🔥【Super big money in the Bitcoin staking track, have you boarded it? 】

The Bitcoin staking track is a super hot spot that you absolutely cannot miss, with potential airdrops. The most anticipated project to be launched is SOLV. Have you participated?

SolvBTC.BBN launched by Solv has become the focus of the entire market as the Babylon LST with the highest TVL (2300+BTC) and the largest number of users (30,000+) in the market. 500 BTC shares were sold out in 2 minutes. Why is SolvBTC.BBN so popular?

1⃣Solv is a project invested by Binance Lab and will be launched this year

2⃣SolvBTC.BBN is a Babylon staking certificate. In addition to future solv airdrops, you can also get Babylon staking income and future airdrops

3⃣SolvBTC.BBN can already get nesting income from DeFi protocols such as Avalon and DODO, killing two birds with one stone.

4⃣The TVL of Solv protocol has exceeded 1.4 billion US dollars, and more than 20 public chains and protocols have announced to join the SolvBTC ecosystem. It can be said that it is a potential leading project in the BTC staking ecosystem.

SOLV is the leading project in the Bitcoin staking track. If you haven't participated yet, there is still a chance. The official staking points activity is still in progress. Don't miss it.

SolvBTC.BBN is about to open cross-chain interoperability and become the first Babylon LST to achieve multi-chain unified liquidity. After opening cross-chain interoperability, SolvBTC.BBN can enjoy the income opportunities on different chains, full-chain mining, and full-chain liquidity.

Continue to pay attention to SOLV, more benefits are on the way!#SolvBTC#solv#Babylon#btc质押