Nearly 20 million people tuned in! Summary of Trump and Musk’s X Space conversation

Known as the "Conversation of the Century," the Trump-Musk X Space conversation was officially held at around 9 a.m. Taiwan time. Although it encountered a DDoS attack and was unable to listen normally, the problem was quickly resolved.

The conversation between Trump and Musk lasted three hours, and at the time of writing, the cumulative number of listeners was approaching 20 million. Since there was no interview outline for the conversation, the two discussed a wide range of topics, including illegal immigration, the economy, artificial intelligence (AI), and global warming.

川普、馬斯克在 X Space 的對談整理Source:X
Summary of the conversation between Trump and Musk at X Space

"CryptoCity" compiles X Space voice records and foreign media reports to help you quickly understand the key points of the conversation between Trump and Musk.

Focus 1 of the conversation between Trump and Musk: Talking about campaign politics

Trump and Musk first talked about the recent shootings, and then the topic turned to multiple campaign politics:

  • Immigration policy: Trump strongly opposes illegal immigration and believes that border controls must be strengthened, saying that illegal immigrants come from all over the world, including criminals.

  • Economy and Inflation: Trump believes that excessive spending by the current government is the main cause of inflation and calls for a government efficiency review to cut unnecessary spending.

  • Global security and nuclear threats: Trump said that global security depends on whether the US president has deterrence. If the leader is weak, "evil people" around the world will act. The current government lacks such deterrence, leading to the deterioration of the international situation.

  • Education policy: Trump proposes closing the federal Department of Education and devolving education authority to states, because this will promote competition among states, thereby improving the quality of education and reducing costs.

  • Global situation and foreign policy: The two mentioned a number of international issues, including the war in Ukraine and relations with Russia and North Korea. Trump emphasized that when he was president in the past, he maintained good relations with the leaders of these countries and avoided conflicts. .

川普、馬斯克 X Space 對談重點:談競選政見Source: YouTube
Trump, Musk X Space conversation focus: Talking about campaign politics

Focus 2 of the conversation between Trump and Musk: Blaming Harris

During the conversation, Trump criticized various actions of his opponent, Kamala Harris. He believes that Harris's negligence has led to the influx of millions of illegal immigrants into the United States, and describes her as an incompetent leader who lacks the necessary ability and judgment when dealing with important national affairs.

In addition, Trump also criticized Harris for using false propaganda and false information to cover up her failures on border issues when faced with a crisis.

Trump also insulted Harris many times during the conversation, describing her as a third-rate, incompetent, radical left-wing lunatic, and called her "the most beautiful actress in history." But he also commented on Harris's beauty, saying that the cover of "Time Magazine" looked like former US first lady Melania Trump.

川普、馬斯克 X Space 對談重點:狂噴賀錦麗Source: NBC News
The focus of the X Space conversation between Trump and Musk: Exploiting He Jinli

Highlight 3 of the conversation between Trump and Musk: Cryptocurrency was not mentioned

Because Trump has repeatedly raised political opinions related to cryptocurrency and claimed that if elected, he would allow the United States to strategically reserve Bitcoin. Unfortunately, Trump and Musk did not mention cryptocurrency and Bitcoin in this conversation. This result may also lead to losses for "gamblers" in the prediction market.

According to "CoinDesk", before the conversation between the two, the blockchain prediction market Polymarket had launched a bet: "Do you think cryptocurrency will be mentioned in the conversation between Trump and Musk?" 65% of the bettors Thought it would be mentioned that the total amount bet was over $600,000.

Another bet: "Will Bitcoin be mentioned in the conversation?" attracted US$330,000 in bets, with the highest odds reaching 69%. Other interesting bets include whether Tesla and MAGA will be mentioned in the conversation ( Make America Great Again), illegal immigration, etc.

A user named bama124 became the biggest winner of this conversation because he bet that Trump would not mention most of the words predicted by the prediction market during the conversation. It was estimated that he would receive a bonus of US$1 million, and his largest The profit came from a bet on "whether cryptocurrency will be mentioned" and successfully cashed out $336,918.