[2024.8.12 Bitcoin Ethereum Intraday Market Analysis]

A new week has begun, brothers. The weekly line has closed. Last week's weekly line did not close very well. Although the lower shadow line is very long, the upper shadow line is not short either. It was still smashed down after being pulled up, indicating that the upper pressure level is still quite large. Last week's weekly line rebounded but did not go up. Be careful that it will continue to fall back this week!

This week's rebound pressure level of Bitcoin: 60690-62700 Support level: 55800-53500-49000

This week's rebound pressure level of Ethereum: 2610-2720 Support level: 2335-2115

Today's market analysis:

$BTC 's market analysis last night said that Bitcoin will go down if it fails to stand at 60690 at 12 o'clock. The daily rebound ends after breaking 59500. It just fell to the first support level of 58340 in the morning and then started to go sideways. Sorry, I guessed it right

Bitcoin is currently trading sideways at the bottom of the 1-hour level. Pay attention to the position of 58730 for today's rebound. Only when it stands above this position, the 1-hour level will start to rebound upward. Pay attention to the upper pressure level near 59150-59630-60100. Only when it stands above 60100, the 4-hour level will start to rebound. If it fails to go up near the pressure level, there is a chance for short positions

If the rebound fails today, pay attention to the 58080 position below, which is also the previous low of the morning spike. If it falls below this position, it means that the rebound strength of this wave of decline is very weak. Pay attention to the support level below 56950-56000-54680. #BTC走势分析

$ETH I said last night that if the closing line at 12 o'clock does not stand at 2625, then this 4-hour level rebound will end and the market will turn short. It will go down all the way at night. It just fell to the second support level I gave near 2505 in the morning. The lowest is 2506, with an error of only 1u. Sorry, I was lucky and guessed it right again.

Ethereum is currently trading sideways at the bottom of the 1-hour level. Pay attention to the 2555 position for today's rebound. Only when it stands above this position, the 1-hour level will start to rebound upward. Pay attention to the upper pressure level near 2576-2601-2640. Only when it stands above 2601, the 4-hour level will start to rebound. If it fails to go up near the pressure level, there is a chance for short positions.

If the rebound fails today, pay attention to the position below 2505. If it falls below this position, it means that the rebound strength of this wave of decline is very weak. Pay attention to the support level below 2475-2428-2385. #ETH走势分析

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