Supra Kin CEO Joshua Tobkin: Supra aims to build an integrated blockchain to empower super DApps.

Foresight News reported that at the "FORESIGHT 2024" annual summit, Joshua Tobkin, co-founder and CEO of Supra, delivered a keynote speech titled "Supra Layer1: An Integrated Blockchain Empowering the Next Generation of Super DApps". Tobkin stated that Supra aims to break through the various limitations on Ethereum, providing an integrated blockchain for super DApps. Unlike a modular architecture, Supra proposes a fully vertically integrated solution to simplify the user and developer experience in managing different tokens and services.

Supra adopts the MoonShot consensus algorithm and uses a Shuffle mechanism to periodically adjust and reorganize nodes and clients to enhance network vitality. To attract developers, Supra has launched a $1 million developer competition to support innovative projects in the form of tokens, and currently, 150 projects have expressed interest in deploying on Supra.

The "FORESIGHT 2024" annual summit will be held from August 11 to August 12 at the Marriott Hotel in Ocean Park, Hong Kong. The Foresight News website is now available for live streaming of the entire event. The summit is co-hosted by Foresight Ventures, Foresight News, and The Block, aiming to provide a platform for global Web3 builders to exchange ideas and bridge the East and West.