Hey everyone,

I want to share something that's been really weighing on me lately. Over the last few trades, We've hit stop loss three times in a row on the same line, with no profit to show for it. It’s been a brutal experience, and it’s taken a significant toll on my capital and, honestly, on my confidence too.

Trading can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also be deeply challenging. Right now, I’m feeling the weight of those challenges more than ever. The losses have been hard to stomach, and they’ve made me realize that I need to take a step back to regroup and recharge.

This isn’t easy to admit, but it’s important for me to be real with all of you. This is happening in real-time, and it’s a tough moment in my journey. I’m going to take some time off to reflect, recover, and come back stronger.

I appreciate your understanding and support more than I can express. Sometimes, the best move is to pause, breathe, and prepare for the next chapter. I’ll be back when I’m ready, and I hope you’ll stick with me through this.

Thank you for being there.

✍️Faruk Abubakar