🚀 The world of blockchain and cryptocurrency continues to be exciting! Here are some of the biggest news this week:

📡 **Andrena** raised $18 million to develop a decentralized protocol called DAWN that will allow users to sell excess internet bandwidth.

⚓️ **Vessel** raised $10 million to improve liquidity and bring Zero Knowledge Proof technologies to DeFi.

🎮 **Cartridge** closed a $7.5 million funding round and introduced Dojo 1.0, a tool for creating games on the blockchain.

🕹️ **Pentagon Games** raised $6 million to develop a new platform where gamers can earn rewards for participating.

🤖 **DeAgentAI** raised $6 million to integrate AI into decentralized platforms like Solana and Ethereum.

💬 Share your thoughts in the comments! Which of these projects do you think have the most potential?