It should come as no surprise, but there has been a lot of controversy surrounding the Hamster Kombat project. As recent revelations have shown, most of the accounts in this project belong to none other than the founder himself, Eduard Gurenovich. According to administrators of various channels, Eduard created hundreds of thousands of active accounts to control the market, distributing the bulk of the coin drop between them.

đŸ€‘ Ton Foundation's position:

Ton Foundation knows everything, but does not give any response on the situation. Hamster Kombat attracted a significant audience to TON, the foundation remains on the sidelines of the conflict, not taking active actions.

✉ Community reaction: Some channels actively promoting Hamster Kombat have started threatening those who publish exposĂ©s. This atmosphere of threats and tension only adds fuel to the fire of the situation. One of the authors of threats in the spirit of "You are not anonymous", "The guys do not understand who they are attacking and who they will have to apologize to" is the co-founder of Coin Telegraph, known among the "hamsters" as "Crypto Whale". Where does such devotion, like a watchdog, come from? Drawn balances and other agreements.

🖕 The depth of Eduard Gurenovich's greed:

How can such actions be explained? Probably, it is a matter of greed. Unlike other projects, where coins were first distributed to everyone and then bought back from the community, Gurenovich decided to simply not share. He wants to immediately take most of the coins, so that later he can cash them on the market at the expense of ordinary traders. This is one of the reasons to participate in 100% transparent projects, like HOT, where it is simply impossible to draw points / accounts, etc. for yourself.

🎼 Consequences for users:

Gurenovich is already a millionaire and he doesn't give a shit about every hamster, which is right in principle, why not screw the community of morons (don't worry, I'm a moron too). They say that about 20% of the coins will go to users, while 80% will remain with Gurenovich. Recently, using the example of a post with Trump's son's token, I showed that for a collapse of more than 95%, it is enough for one person to have 20% of the emission, which means that at any moment you can simply sell everything, pump out the last juices and destroy the project, so yes, the listing will definitely happen, Eduard clearly has a selfish interest.

đŸ•č Call to action:

No, there will be no call-up, the picture has not changed since the first day, as I said about it, we guessed about the casino and about the shifting of the terms and additional involvement. But remember, I do not understand anything, because the hamster will give "free money and it does not matter how much."

đŸ€Ł And now the funniest part:

Do you know what all the fuss is about? A certain group of infls was promised 4.5% of the revenue. Objectively, the amount could have been about $3-10 million at the end, I don’t know how numerous this group was, but apparently, in terms of per snout, the amount is quite decent. So, they were all politely-impolitely hinted to go to hell, they got offended and blew all the cards.

In fact, these infls are not only fighting for the truth, but also for their own pockets, into which nothing fell. Yes, yes, yes, infls drove you into a hamster, knowing all the details. You understand how much some channels consider you shit, and maybe even worse than shit.

To sum it up:

This is just a fight for $$$ using media and other improvised means. The hamster himself did not suck, consider this an internal showdown. The question of the drop still remains open. I assume that the TOP 0.1% of users, and this is, for a minute, 300 thousand users, will take 95% of the profit, the rest will get not even dollars, but cents.

P.S. the value of time:

Try to spend time on transparent projects, where it is clear what the drop is made of, and not play the lottery. There is no free money, you pay for everything with your time.

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