Masa Network, one of the popular artificial intelligence projects, continues to grow every day. The project announced two new partnerships on its social media accounts. Within the scope of the announcement, Atoma Network and Aloha Protol will be collaborating with Masa. Here are the details of the news..

Masa and Atoma Partner to Power AI Inference with Real-Time Data

Masa is excited to partner with Atoma Network, a decentralized, verifiable inference platform dedicated to increasing trust in AI.

This collaboration aims to bring AI models to blockchains via smart contracts that can run multi-modal inferences with trusted execution, leveraging the robust capabilities of Masa’s Data Oracle and real-time data protocol.

By combining Masa’s global data scraper network and real-time data capabilities with Atoma’s innovative consensus algorithm and inference platform, the collaboration ensures accurate and unified AI across multiple models, resulting in more reliable AI for specialized, real-world and enterprise applications.

Masa Partners with Aloha Protocol to Improve AI Inference and Models

Masa is excited to announce our partnership with Aloha Protocol, a blockchain-based consensus system designed to ensure accurate, secure, and transparent natural language processing across multiple AIs.

Aloha Protocol will integrate Masa’s Data Oracle to enhance its AI models and provide real-time, comprehensive data from a variety of sources. Aloha Protocol will use Masa’s AI Data Oracle to collect and aggregate Twitter data, significantly enhancing its AI models with real-time data insights.


Masa has become the go-to data network for innovative AI projects that need real-time, structured data to power their applications. Masa will announce more major partnerships in the future.