$HOOK once shone in the crypto market as the son of Binance. Its vision is to integrate the education industry with Web3 technology and create a new era of learning. Since the launch of Binance IEO, HOOK coin has experienced a dramatic change from peak to trough, with its market value shrinking by more than 92% to around US$71 million, becoming a loser in the previous IEO projects.

HOOK coin aims to use Web3 technology to build a community-driven education ecosystem and achieve learning and earning through a gamified learning platform. Although it has been supported by giants such as Binance and Sequoia, and an education ecosystem fund has been established, factors such as market volatility, investor sentiment and project development speed have led to prices that have not met expectations, triggering widespread reflection.

At present, HOOK coin may be in an oversold rebound stage, and the market is concerned about whether it can break through the downward range. This requires an increase in trading volume and substantial progress in technology research and development, market promotion, and ecological construction. The Hooked Protocol team is actively promoting HOOK 2.0, integrating AI and Google Cloud technology, optimizing the educational metaverse and HOOK token applications, and plans to launch more gamified learning and DAO initiatives, striving to reshape glory.