How you can Select a Genuine Buyer on Binance P2P to reduce P2P Scam chances.

To ensure a smooth and secure transaction, follow these steps to select a genuine buyer on Binance P2P:

1. Check buyer's ratings_: Look for high ratings (95%+) and a large number of completed trades.

2. Verify profile completeness_: Ensure the buyer's profile is fully filled out, including name, ID, and address.

3. Check payment methods_: Opt for buyers using secure payment methods like bank transfers or credit cards.

4. Be cautious of low prices_: Be wary of prices significantly lower than market rates.

5. Check buyer's activity_: Ensure the buyer is actively trading and responding to messages.

6. Use Binance trade assurance_: Binance's escrow service holds funds until the transaction is complete.

7. Communicate clearly_: Establish clear communication with the buyer to avoid misunderstandings.

8. Check for verified badges_: Look for Binance-verified badges, such as "Verified" or "Merchant".

9. Avoid suspicious behavior_: Be cautious of buyers pushing for quick trades or using high-pressure tactics.

10. Report suspicious activity_: Inform Binance support if you suspect a scam or suspicious behavior.

By following these guidelines, you can increase the chances of selecting a genuine buyer on Binance P2P and ensuring a successful transaction.

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