BTC recovered from a low of $49,000 to more than $60,000. ETH recovered from a low of $2,111 to more than $2,600. BNB recovered from a low of $400 to more than $500, and many people did not have time to react before it went up.

The bull market fell hard and rose hard.

The recent plunge effectively curbed the optimistic and positive mentality of the bull market over the past year, and also cleared a lot of leverage in the market.

The market plunged 30%, which is a very healthy correction in the bull market.

In the past year or so of the bull market, the market has accumulated too much leverage. If it is not cleared in time, the leverage will only pile up more and more.

The final cleanup will only be more severe.

It even caused a stampede and liquidation like 519.

There is still a storm behind🔥