Do you invest or speculate?

You may be mistaken in the way you handle your investments. Have you ever stopped to think about this?

We often lose money on something that has a certain positive result, simply because we are unfamiliar with the operation or are in too much of a hurry. Other times we fool ourselves into believing that $ 100 or $ 500 invested in a certain token will make us millionaires overnight, when the reality is different.

Be aware that if you invest little, your results will also be small.

Investors think in the medium and long term, while speculators are short-sighted, ambitious and bold.

To speculate, you need to be aligned with the market, be very good at analysis and trends, and most importantly, have a lot of money to win or lose, without depleting the family budget.

For now, my suggestion is that you dedicate yourself to being an investor, that you make regular contributions and have good tokens in your portfolio, because this way the positive result may take a while, but it will be certain.