PANews reported on August 9 that according to Cointelegraph, billionaire Elon Musk's social media platform X has agreed to stop collecting and processing user data in the European Union. On August 7, after a court hearing in Ireland, the Data Protection Commission (DPC) stated that X had agreed to "suspend the processing of personal data contained in public posts of its EU/EEA users between May 7, 2024 and August 1, 2024 for the purpose of training its artificial intelligence 'Grok'."

The ruling, which covers the data of users within the EU and European Economic Area (EEA), is the result of X's commitment to the Irish High Court to stop such actions brought by the Data Protection Commissioner. The DPC is the lead regulator overseeing X's activities in the region. DPC chairman Des Hogan said in a statement that the suspension of services is "welcome" while regulators continue to review the platform's compliance with the GDPR. He said they will continue to work with all data controllers to strive to uphold citizens' data protection rights under EU law.