Written by: Ting, BlockTempo

Meow, founder of Solana's well-known DeFi aggregator Jupiter, and Luke Belmar, founder of Capital Club, appeared at the ABS Asia Blockchain Summit and had an in-depth discussion on the topic "Energy Theory of Money", jointly discussing the impact of the community on the project.

The power behind money is community

First, Luke Belmar asks what is money? Does its core philosophy revolve around community? In this regard, Meow believes that making money is creating new money, and in the field of cryptocurrency, creating new money has become easier (token value from scratch).

But how to make cryptocurrency more valuable? The key is the “community” based on people:

“What is money? Anything that people believe is valuable is money, so literally the only things you need to create a new model are people, community, and belief.

And that's really amazing, because I think with the creation of this new type of money, I think we're removing all the technical, logistical barriers to creating new money. "

Three elements of community building

Then, Luke Belmar first asked about the meaning of cat (CAT), and then asked how Meow creates a community trusted by users.

Meow said that CAT is composed of the initials of three words: Certainty, Alignment, and Transparency, and these three words are the three major elements that constitute the community. At the same time, Meow also mentioned that many projects that have issued tokens recently have not performed well, and the core problem may be the lack of these three elements:

“If you notice a lot of the new products that have been launched recently, they haven’t been performing well. I’m not talking about the price, I’m talking about the fact that you’re seeing it. Right?

I shared this a lot with VCs, and we talked about this whole token and slow development thing. You invest years into building a project, and then it launches. It should be a big celebration, but at the end of the day, the community is fragmented. It’s really sad, but I think the core of the problem is that there’s no consistency, there’s no certainty, there’s no transparency.”

Luke Belmar then asked Meow what would be the key factors for a founder or builder to bring a project to the level of Jupiter? According to Meow, energy is key to making projects possible:

“I think one of the things we do really well is we understand that as a project, it’s all about energy. I think a lot of people don’t quite understand that whether it’s your product, your community, your token, or your communications and your vision, it’s all about creating a very positive energy system between your community and your holders.”

Energy determines project development

Luke Belmar believes that the mission, vision and values ​​of a community are indispensable, and the ultimate goal is to concentrate energy. The community can achieve energy concentration by gathering a large number of people. In this regard, Meow further stated that in the field of cryptocurrency, many things are fake, but "energy" cannot be faked, which is the key to determining the development of the community and project:

“In the cryptocurrency space, a lot of things are fake, you know your volume is fake, your investors are fake, your users are fake, everything about you is fake.

You know what I’ve discovered is one thing you can’t fake or strive for? Energy. No AI, no bot, no KOL can fake that.

If you’re in crypto and you’re a builder or creator and your goal is to create new money, then everything else is secondary. Focus on creating new money or facilitating the transfer of new money. I feel like the key to creating new money is understanding that it comes from real effort and energy.”

In addition, Meow also said that emotions are also a key factor affecting the project:

“The key to emotional economy is which projects and teams make people emotionally invested. This is the key. I think this is also the reason why many projects fail, because they make people emotionally invested, but in the end they disappoint people, which is extremely harmful to the industry.”

Evolution from PVP to PPP

Finally, Luke Belmar asked Meow to give some advice or encouragement to founders or builders, and Meow humbly stated that he was not qualified to give any advice. However, Meow hopes that the project team can focus on solidifying the foundation of the project and taking root in the community, rather than being immersed in the pleasure of the project becoming popular and the tokens soaring.

In addition, Meow also advocated the concept of PPP at the end of the meeting, hoping that the crypto community can change from a PVP mentality to a PPP mentality:

"PvP is player versus player, which means you're always trying to kill each other and destroy each other. PPP is players helping players, helping each other."