8.9 Lao Bai's Trading Diary

Reviewing the recent operations and the current operations, I think it is indeed a bit stupid. I will start to write a diary in the future and strictly follow it. I encourage you!

1. On July 29, I reminded everyone about the risks and plunges on YouTube. Later, it was directly pulled to around 70,000. I was really angry and upset. I thought I made a mistake in judgment and only cleared half of it.

2. On August 2, the market plummeted and I changed all my positions to ETH, thinking that it would be more resistant to the decline. I could still add more if it fell, at least my judgment was correct.

3. On August 3, the market rebounded, and after I fully invested in ETH, it fell rapidly, so I cleared half of it.

4. On August 5, the market plummeted, and the remaining half of ETH suffered heavy losses. I judged that BTC would fall to 57,000 at most, so after clearing it on the 3rd, I opened a dual-currency win of buying ETH at a low price, so I didn’t buy a big pie below 50,000, which was really uncomfortable.

Today, in order to protect the principal, I opened a low-multiple high-altitude position. If it pulls up, my ETH can recover the principal. If it falls, I can get the contract income. The current funding rate is positive, and I can also eat the funding rate. The current operation is mainly to protect the principal, and it is strictly enforced!

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