As the range consolidated downward during this period, the bottom was tested one after another.

This week, the general idea was verified, and there was no need to change the repeated shorting.

Yesterday, the highest point was placed at 2540 for shorting, and the target was 2460-2440. In the evening, it first hit the target point, and then the bearish sentiment spread, and continued to break below 2400. Finally, the lowest price reached 2307 in the early morning, only seven points away from breaking; the lowest price of the big cake reached 54.5k.

Until Thursday, I believe everyone has a basic understanding of the market. Know: Before there is news to rescue the market, the general idea does not need to be changed at all. There are many short-term operation methods, but the trend only needs to be maintained.

This week, pay attention to strong pressure. Bitcoin is around 58.5k, and Ethereum's elasticity will be higher. Due to multiple weak rebounds, temporary suppression can be placed around 2550. If it breaks through, 2700 will be synchronized with Bitcoin above.

You can repeat the operation process around the range, and don't go back and forth between long and short. Keeping a single situation will not be small. I will take the time to record a video later. You can pay attention to the subsequent dynamic updates!