This market has experienced a rebound, which is a bit difficult to figure out. The positions that I bought at the bottom a few days ago have brought some gains. In an era of compound interest of funds, this position can go up or down, and you can attack or defend. Many people feel that they are full at one time, but most people are ordinary people. Do they have so much financial support? Do they have such a good mentality? Spot is okay and can be held. Many friends of the contract encounter the market from floating profit to loss easily. If this market does not break the previous low, the Shanzhai September will be very likely to be very strong and usher in spring. It is also possible that the second shot will start to pull the market again to wash out the long orders and start a wave of market in everyone's despair. #加密市场反弹 #BTC走势分析 #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 $BTC $ETH