Everyone is wondering why the Fed is reluctant to cut interest rates. Let's do a simple review!

The reason for not cutting interest rates is nothing more than that the goal has not been achieved. Jewish capital will not stop until it achieves its goal! Jews are a group of egoists. How could they stop before achieving their goal by launching the dollar tide at such a high price and for such a long time?

In the eyes of Jews, the US economy can decline, but the dominance of the US dollar is much more important than the US economy, so even if the Fed knows that the current economy has entered a recession, it still refuses to cut interest rates!

If this round of dollar tide does not achieve its goal, then complete de-dollarization may really become a reality in the future. The reason why US imperialism can be so domineering around the world is that the dollar hegemony is the core!

Other countries need to develop, so they can only work hard, develop the economy, develop high-tech industries, improve their own industrial chains, etc., but the United States is different. It occupies the dollar hegemony, can print money unlimitedly, can increase the US debt ceiling again and again, and can launch the dollar tide. And afterwards, the risk can be perfectly transferred to the whole world. Therefore, the dollar hegemony is the most important thing for Jewish capital and the Federal Reserve. Compared with the economy, they know which is more important!

Therefore, before the economic recession turns into a financial crisis, the recession is acceptable. It is just a few bankruptcies, an increase in unemployment, and more people cannot find jobs. In the eyes of Jewish capital, these are small problems. Therefore, I am not particularly optimistic about the issue of interest rate cuts. There will be interest rate cuts, but the intensity and time of the interest rate cuts will not be particularly optimistic. Of course, as time goes by, the bad news will be digested one day. When high interest rates become the norm, the market will habitually accept it.

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