#美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息?

Every time Bitcoin BTC falls sharply, a bunch of people come out and say it will return to zero.

Bear market, big top, 20,000, 10,000 and so on.

In fact, the decline is short-term, and the long-term upward trend has not changed.

The monthly line level is still a big bull market. It is currently in the fourth wave of consolidation. The monthly line is actually very strong.

You have to think about it. The previous high was 70,000. It was not easy to break through 70,000. A bunch of people untied and ran away. The dealer stopped and it became a bear market? Haha, the probability is very low. The dealer is not a philanthropist. They come in to eat meat, and eat big meat. It is reasonable to at least double the previous high of 70,000.