Top ways to lose everything:

- Continuously adding to losing trades without setting a maximum risk cap beforehand.

- Getting entangled with an egirl you flew out after flaunting your trading gains, only to end up paying half your liquid net worth in child support.

- Altering your lifestyle and spending habits after a few good trades, assuming you'll consistently make the same money regardless of changing market conditions.

- Getting emotionally attached to a single coin, storyline, or position.

- Never cashing out profits or constantly reinvesting them without ever pocketing gains.

- Adjusting your price targets higher or lower as the market moves in your favor.

- Buying the dip or shorting the spike with leverage, but lacking hard stops or exit plans.

- Ignoring signs that market conditions have shifted and stubbornly trading the same setups without adapting.

- Chasing past high profits with revenge trading and setting arbitrary portfolio targets.

- Developing an invincibility complex from a hot streak and thinking you'll never be wrong.

- Overtrading your main spot or low-leverage positions, or using leverage out of sheer boredom.