According to TechFlow, Australian prosecutors are making sentencing recommendations for a mis-transfer case. It is reported that in May 2021, mistakenly transferred $6.86 million (about A$10.47 million) to an Australian couple, Thevamanogari Manivel and Jatinder Singh, due to an internal error, instead of the intended A$100 refund. When the exchange discovered the error in an internal audit in December 2021, Singh had already purchased multiple properties and gave A$1 million to a friend.

In the latest hearing on August 2, prosecutor Campbell Thomson argued that considering the huge amount of money involved, it could not be considered an opportunity crime and advocated for a prison sentence for Singh. Singh's lawyer Martin Kozlowski argued that Singh did not fully understand the seriousness of this abnormal situation, which would be a challenge for anyone.

Previously, prosecutors had said in March 2023 that Singh was a potential flight risk because only $4.9 million had been recovered and some of the funds had been transferred abroad. Singh will be sentenced next month. In September last year, his partner Manivel admitted reckless dealing with the proceeds of crime and was sentenced to about seven months in prison (already served) and an 18-month community correction order.