The altcoin sector followed the mainstream callback, with a large callback range and insufficient liquidity. In the past two months, pay attention to SATS. You can buy it in batches when it is low. There will be major benefits in September. PEOPLE can also be used as a key currency. Build a collection when it is low and wait for good expectations before the November election. CKB is temporarily on the sidelines, waiting for short-term adjustments to stabilize

Fundamental news: Friday's non-agricultural data needs to be paid attention to

RGB++ has started free casting, and the recent on-chain activity has increased. RGB++ is also a very good new protocol, which has a good effect on the construction of BTC ecology. Continue to pay attention to this sector. Recently, the RGB++ sector has new benefits and new models are about to appear. You can strengthen your attention and don't miss the early opportunity

The rune market is still sluggish. Pay attention to high-quality currencies in the rune market and start buying when waiting for the second wash

#美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #美联储何时降息?