#BTC走势预测 #ETH投资 #暴富

A few days ago, a friend in a group posted a screenshot of his Moments, and everyone went crazy after seeing it.

This old man sold his house in 2015 and went all in on ETH, buying 50,000 of them at a price of $2.9 per unit, investing $145,000, which is equivalent to exchanging more than 1 million yuan from the sale of the house for ETH.

Ethereum has been rising and falling, once rising to $4,800. The current price is $3,000, an increase of 1,034 times.

50,000 ETH is currently worth more than $150 million, and you would be a billionaire now.

At that time, Ethereum had increased tenfold, and selling the house was a gamble. If I could hold on to it until now, I would have enjoyed huge wealth.

The subsequent story of this protagonist is unknown, and it is impossible to check the wallet balance, nor to hear him share in detail his experience in the crypto market over the past 9 years, but he is indeed an ordinary person around us.

Bought 50,000 ETH in 2015

There is another group member who entered the crypto market in 2017 and bought 14,000 LTCs at a unit price of about 4u. He sold them for six times the price two months later and made his first pot of gold in the cryptocurrency circle.

Later, LTC continued to rise, once rising to more than $400, more than 100 times the purchase cost. He regretted not getting it at the high point. If he had sold it at the high point, it would have been more than $5 million.

He made less money in the crypto market, but he also worked hard in other industries. The 6-fold return also allowed him to invest more funds in other businesses. He lost money, but gained growth.

The story of LTC

Choosing the right target in the crypto market and holding on to it may be the most convenient way to get the highest return, but holding on is not easy.

Every cryptocurrency is experiencing ups and downs, and there is even a risk of it returning to zero at any time.

Who would have thought that the price of BTC, which was initially mined for free, would rise from $0.05 to more than $61,000 now? The price of ETH, which was crowdfunded at the time, is now $3,000.

Even DOGE, which was given away for free at the time, and MEMEs such as SHIB, which had little value, skyrocketed and became the wealth code for some people.

The current BTC price may not be at its peak, but many people are saying that BTC will rise to $100,000 or $200,000;

But many people still feel unsure, and few dare to go all in. Without sufficient faith support, it is too difficult to be a holder, and only a few people can become winners.

For example, the BTC price was still 65,000 US dollars yesterday, but it has fallen to 60,000 today. Other tokens have fallen even more, so it is not easy to hold on to them.

Top 20 Tokens in Crypto Market

I noticed a group member’s wallet address, which contained more than 4,000 ETH. The wallet was created four years ago and the ETH had been in the wallet for a long time.

He did not sell at the high of $4,800. Although the balance in his wallet has shrunk by one-third, its current value exceeds $12 million, which is also an astronomical figure.

This group member now just enjoys the world, and is free to lie down and enjoy his wealth. He is just a staunch holder. The crypto market has changed many people, and the investment at a certain time has brought uncertain returns.

If you participate early and hold on long enough, you may not necessarily become a millionaire, but you will have more opportunities to accumulate wealth. However, while some people make money, others will lose money.

Some early participants lost all their contracts, even hundreds of millions, and went from being financially free to being workers again; some who were able to hold on only took MEME, which eventually ended up being worth nothing.

There is no unified way to play. Those who are lucky and have vision and pattern will reap huge rewards.

A group member's wallet balance

Of course we are not the group members mentioned above, that is just their story.

What we can do now is to look for opportunities in the present, find the target with huge potential in the next 5 to 10 years, and find the goal of how to be a successful holder.

The result of holding on may also be zero, which is full of huge uncertainty. I wish us all good luck.

The above is just my personal opinion, not investment advice. I am Chuxiaolian, and I am paying attention to the crypto market and web3.