Friday, 8.2nd, summary of the day, ideas once again become gods,

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it is the weekend again. On Friday, the Bitcoin market opened and closed sharply, with a round of decline in the early morning reaching the 62300 area.

Then it reversed again. After rising to the 65600 area, the currency price came back under pressure. In the morning, it fell sharply to the 63600 area. In the morning, it gave three big pieces of 65500-65700 short positions and perfectly captured this round of decline.

Then the market rose again, and in the evening it returned to the 65500 area and came under pressure. We still went short to 65000-65200. Although the market rebound exceeded expectations, it eventually fell back. The bearish idea was to eat 3100 points. The market conditions are basically in line with expectations at every step. Ideas are given in advance. It can be said to be impeccable.

Participate during the day as follows:

Big pie 65162 empty 64149 closed 1013 points

Big pie 64758 empty 63333 closed 1425 points

Big pie 65267 empty 64375 closed 1252 points

Big pie 65867 empty 64375 closed 1492 points

Ether 3162 short 3112 closes 50 points

Ether 3209 empty 3145 closed 64 points

Ether 3210 short 3145 closed 65 points

Ether 3154 empty 3046 closed 108 points

Ether 3205 short 3155 closed 50 points

The four orders of Big Pie received a total of 5182 points, and the five orders of Ether received 402 points. All layouts follow the ideas, and the ideas are quite accurate. There are basically no mistakes, and the winning streak is continuous. Friends in Panzhong continue to collect rice sideways, and doubling is the norm. If your Feng Shui is not good and your operation is not ideal, you must make timely adjustments! Don’t wait until you lose something to regret later. What are chive flowers? Why do leeks bloom? I understand everything!

The daily line structure quickly reversed after the pin dipped, and now it is overcast again. The continuation of the short position is still relatively obvious. The rebound has always been suppressed. The main direction is still dominated by the short position. Similarly, the upward trend in the 4-hour trend is blocked. The rebound was restrained by the pullback, and all indicators extended downwards in a bearish posture, so the bearish thinking remains unchanged under the weak structure.

The situation is hot and friends who encounter difficulties in trading come to Kelai. As the saying goes, there is specialization in the industry. If you are currently facing difficulties and the orders are not done well, you can change your mind, change places, change fortunes, and follow the profession. steps towards glory. #美联储何时降息? #美国政府转移BTC #比特币大会 #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $BTC $ETH $BNB