I haven't played with contracts for almost two years. But I recently had an outsider's awakening to contracts. First of all, I think that contracts must always maintain one direction. Either always go long or always go short. First of all, the important point is that the short and long here are not long-term mindless long and short. Going long means buying on dips at certain times. Going short means going short on highs at certain times. Secondly, investment emphasizes doing the opposite. I almost never go short when I do contracts. I always go long. Basically, 9 out of 10 times, my account is liquidated. From the perspective of most people's contract habits and human nature, going long is greater than going short. Contract shorting first belongs to the minority of reverse. If we follow the four-year bull-bear cycle, the three-year bear market. One year of bull market

Then the winning rate of short selling is 75%

And now it has already broken through the four-year bull-bear cycle

Optimistically speaking, it is at least three and a half years of bear market now

Half year of bull market

The winning rate of short selling is even better

From the perspective of the history of the currency circle

Liang Xi also made 30 million from 3000U by short selling

Take a step back and say that even if Bitcoin can really reach 1 million US dollars in the future

The winning rate of short selling at highs is still much higher than that of buying at lows

The probability of highs coming down is 100%

But the probability of lows going up is only 30%

As a layman in contracts

I don’t know how to draw K-line charts

It’s just one person’s opinion

I don’t know whether it’s right or wrong

I hope it will be helpful to you who are doing contracts