⭕️ Attention: Currencies worth more than $73 million will be unlocked between August 5 and August 11. Their price will likely decrease temporarily.

⭕️ If you have it, think about whether to leave now or continue. We explained the issue of unlocking in several posts that you can review on my account.

⭕️ The timing of unlocking, and the amount, you can find in the picture

🩸 The largest currencies in terms of unlocking rate are: #IMX and #ENA , and I think #MODE will be affected more because the unlocking rate is greater.

🩸Details as we see 🔪🔪

$IMX (2.11%) - $43.19m

$ENA (0.82%) - $5.62m

$IO (2.22%) - $4.55m

$MODE (14.25%) - 3.82m

$HFT (3.11%) - $2.30m

$MAVIA (0.64%) - $1.86m

$DYDX (0.68%) - $1.76m