X, it is becoming more and more like a prison in the cryptocurrency circle.

In the past two days, some people have started to promote that some projects are going to run away. Obviously, they want you to cut your losses.

The runaway trend has begun? What a joke.

Since the cryptocurrency circle was established, has there been no runaways? A project owner once said that the project owner who issues coins not for cutting leeks is not a good project owner.

Many retail investors have also begun to lament that Meme coins are running away faster and faster, and they can't keep up at all... Normally, people are professional track and field athletes, and you are a professional receiver, and your major is not related, how can you keep up?

Meme coins, I have to say a few more words here, playing this in a bear market? Purely brainless... Some people, after making a few thousand or eight hundred yuan from speculation, show off to the whole network and swear to be loyal to the cryptocurrency circle for the rest of their lives.

It forgets the difference between luck and strength. It's like picking up 100 yuan on the ground and making a living by picking up money from then on. The brain is not well developed, purely redundant.

What is the situation now? What era? Don't you have any cognition? Let alone the cryptocurrency industry, which is full of scammers, aren’t there many companies in other industries that have closed down, run away, or pretended to be dead?

Ordinary people, don’t have any illusions, and don’t take chances. If the bottom retail investors don’t take over, who will? The project owner? Or the respected cryptocurrency boss?

When buying coins, choose stable varieties, that’s right.