Recently, $btc has rebounded to 26,000. This weekend is still quite lively. Several coins have also pulled up very strongly. Recently, I can clearly feel that there are more things to play with. Compared with the previous few weeks, $ape has reminded everyone of the huge sell-off since September 9. Such a large unlocking will definitely cause panic among everyone. It has dropped from 1.3 to 1.07 on September 9. It will be unlocked tomorrow.

#ft It is still very popular recently, but many people did not make money on it this time, mainly because the transaction fees are too high. Some people lost a lot of money due to frequent changes in transactions, while those who were manipulated by robots made a lot of money 🧐.

Data: Today, the market maker #wintermute deposited 1M of $wld, about 1.22M USD, into Binance. It is said that the loan is about to expire, and there may be something going on, but I don’t know whether it will be a market crash or a market pull. If you have $WLD, you can pay attention to it.

After the multi incident, many people still accidentally transferred their money to the protocol. The impact of the collapse of this previously widely used large project continues to continue.