At the end of July, BTC drew a small positive K, and the upper and lower shadows have clear meanings: there is resistance above and support below, and the overall pattern is stable and oscillating, moving forward leisurely in a slightly inclined channel. The volume is reduced, and the long and short positions are in a stalemate, which is the essence of oscillation, and it is also the reason why I am sure that there will be no big drop. From the perspective of the monthly line, the bull market veins are clear, with large volume when rising and small volume when falling, showing a healthy upward trend. There is no warning of a big drop in the market, but it seems to be ready to go, indicating a stronger upward trend in the future, which is very imaginative.

If the trend has not changed, then some small callbacks in the middle are normal. After all, the currency circle is more complicated than in previous years, so it will be more and more difficult to make money. There are three types of market trends: rising, falling, and oscillating. Most of the time, it is oscillating. Trending market often takes a short time to occur, and the waiting time is always very long. This is one of the reasons why many traders have not made money but lost money.

When laying out at the bottom, it is clear that you are doing long-term trading, but after several months of oscillation, your patience is slowly worn out, and then there will be operations that are inconsistent with the formulated trading strategy, resulting in your own losses.

Although the market has diverged, Bitcoin is still a weather vane. Whether the bull market starts or ends still depends on the trend of Bitcoin, but the process has become more complicated.

In July, BTC failed to test 70,000, indicating that there is great pressure from above. The volume increased slightly, and the long lower shadow line showed strong support

August is the key, the monthly line shows that it is expected to break the previous high, and the details need to be studied in detail on the Sunday line chart

If there is no problem with the general direction, then there is nothing to worry about. It is a good phenomenon that there is no further decline in July, so give more confidence to the market in August, and all your persistence and waiting will be rewarded accordingly

The past is over, life must go on, and the pace of making money cannot stop

Trading requires seeing the essence through the appearance. The four-year bull-bear cycle is the core, and the shock callback is all floating clouds. Abandon the appearance, and you can capture what you want in the changing market

Observation: XRP BOME SATS SOL PEPE ...

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