The Fed's interest rate decision moment is like a sword hanging in the air, about to fall.

A sudden storm has focused the world's attention on the Middle East. Hamas leader Haniyeh suffered a carefully planned sniper attack at the Iranian president's employment celebration, and his life came to an abrupt end.

This is not only a simple political assassination, but also a fierce blow on the geopolitical chessboard, which instantly ignited the anger of Hamas and added fuel to the already tense geopolitical situation. Israel's action is undoubtedly adding another layer of pressure to the already tense string.

Recalling that earlier this year, Israel's raid on Gaza had caused Haniyeh to lose three sons, and now even he himself has not been spared. The White House chose to remain silent in this storm, perhaps weighing the pros and cons and not wanting to be involved in the vortex of this dispute too early. At the same time, in Japan, far to the east, the central bank's policy committee decided to raise interest rates by 15 basis points, and the interest rate range was quietly adjusted to between 0.15% and 0.25%, which indicated a reduction in the scale of bond purchases in the future, adding another variable to the global economic landscape.

Tonight, the release of the US ADP employment data attracted all the attention of the market like a bright spot in the night. Although expectations were the same as the previous value, the three consecutive months of employment decline have quietly raised the market's expectations for a rate cut in September. However, the real highlight is the Fed's interest rate decision and Powell's press conference in the early hours of the morning.

After ten months of time, whether the rumor of a rate cut will become clearer tonight will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the pulse of the digital currency market, and investors are waiting with bated breath.

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