Wednesday was another day of shock and tug-of-war. The overall market volatility during the day was not large, which can be said to be the best time to run short-term. It is quite easy to fight back and forth between high and low. The midnight arrangement was 400 points in the morning. The low and long mentioned in the morning caught the 500-point rebound again. Then it was short again at noon. It was 500 points in the evening. Although the low and long mentioned later had a small difference, it has been closed and can continue to hold and look up. #美国政府转移BTC #比特币大会 #美联储何时降息? #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $BTC $ETH

As far as the current 4-hour chart is concerned, the current low-level continuous shock consolidation stage has two needles like the next small tea, but they have all been recovered. At present, the clock has closed the positive green energy column has emerged. From a small level, after the tea needle, it has begun to rebound. At midnight, it is still optimistic about a stronger rebound.

The big cake is around 66000🉑Continue to buy more and look up to 66900