[Jasmy gets three trademarks: a game changer for Japan’s carbon rights program]

Jasmy has registered three trademarks with Japan’s intellectual property agency, a move linked to Japan’s carbon rights program. These trademark registrations demonstrate Jasmy’s commitment to Japan’s environmental goals and highlight its innovation and sustainable development in the blockchain industry.

The carbon rights program is a key part of Japan's fight against climate change, allowing companies to offset emissions by investing in environmental projects, thereby reducing their overall carbon footprint. Jasmy’s participation in this program brings multiple benefits. Through its blockchain technology, Jasmy provides transparency and security in tracking carbon rights, ensuring credits are authentically and accurately recorded and preventing fraud and double counting.

These trademark registrations align Jasmy with Japan’s environmental policies and position it as a leader in using blockchain technology to solve environmental issues. This development reflects Jasmy’s continued innovation and commitment to global sustainability efforts, potentially paving the way for more blockchain-based environmental initiatives in the future.

Jasmy's role will become increasingly important as Japan pushes towards carbon neutrality. The company's technology helps ensure the integrity of the carbon rights system, thereby supporting the country's broad environmental goals. Jasmy’s achievement is not only a business milestone, but a step towards a greener, more sustainable future for Japan. Through blockchain technology, Jasmy will have a lasting impact on Japan’s carbon rights program.

#鴉快訊 $JASMY @Jasmy-MGT