The current cryptocurrency market is entering a period of volatility similar to that from July to September 2020. That period started with a violent adjustment in early July, which was still fresh in the memory of many investors and the market sentiment was once tense. Faced with subtle changes in the market, many people tend to fall into panic and have their confidence shaken, as if every step is on the edge of the unknown. When prices rise, they are eager to get out of trouble but are afraid of missing opportunities, and when prices fall, they feel even more anxious.

Next, the market may enter a "fear of heights" stage, which will undoubtedly be a test for investors with weak psychological endurance. However, as history shows, every market baptism is often followed by rapid and significant wealth growth, as will be the glorious reappearance in 2021. But please remember that although the entry barrier to the cryptocurrency world is low, the barrier to truly overcoming the many challenges and achieving profitability is extremely high.

Here, courage and perseverance become indispensable partners. Countless explorers who entered the currency circle with passion, mostly left sadly due to lack of necessary preparation and persistence. The real winner is the one who sticks to his faith in the storm, keeps learning, and has the courage to face failure and learn from it. They understand that the charm and risks of the cryptocurrency market coexist. Only with continuous efforts and wise decision-making can they move forward steadily in this uncertain sea and finally harvest their own treasures.

Therefore, for every investor who is or is about to embark on this journey, keeping a cool head, cultivating a perseverance spirit, and constantly improving one's market insights will be indispensable to success. The essential. #比特币行情 #美国政府转移BTC #比特币大会 #美国PCE通胀放缓 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH