Lately the market has really weak waves #BTC☀ is still alone, moving up to 70k and altcoins are

- The entire market has been decreasing for 4 months, #altcoin divided 5 into 7, there is no green trend that has been floating for a few days now it is completely different from previous times there are still some token pumps

- A gloomy face for altcoins over the past time, clearly shown when users transact less, gas fees are cheap, and groups talk less excitedly about coins than before.

- In this segment, the market share is still concentrated on BTC, altcoins are not yet popular, maybe we have to wait a while longer when BTC is more stable, the FUD news subsides, then your account will become popular again.

- But you guys are not too worried, I believe that in just a few months, at the latest, entering the 4th quarter before the US election, the whole market will pump strongly.

#BTC☀ #BinanceTurns7

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