1. It will be more difficult to play meme coins in the future, and the slogan "first is first" will be even less valuable. The bottom line of meme consensus has been further broken down. This incident may be the most obvious watershed, but don't be too pessimistic. Individuals always need to adapt to the market and continue to learn.

2. Strong dealers are better than anything else, ‘first is first’. There may be advantages in the early stage, but after a day or even half a day, it depends more on the dealer’s strength (including but not limited to money ability, operation ability, exchange relationship, etc.). Therefore, the competition for the leader on SOL has been going on for 3-4 times, which can be called the annual drama of the meme universe so far, perhaps the only one. The previous competition for the leader did not seem to be so fierce. Here I refer to the big gold meme that has gone out of the circle. Small coins and small market value have no reference significance. In addition, the dealer has too many chips at the bottom, and everyone did not care so much in the early stage. The NEIRO with a large market value on ETH now is known to be a dog dealer coin, and all the data are not good, but as long as you pull the market and buy hot searches, it doesn’t matter how small the number of holders and trading volume are. Buy a hot search, and then pull the market to become the leader of this IP, you can also enjoy the traffic dividend brought by the overflow of IP value. In addition, isn’t the previous big gold fight also true? Did the number of chips in the dog dealer suddenly increase? In fact, there have always been a lot, even more in the early days, but people only care about this issue when the market value reaches a certain level. When the market value is hundreds of thousands, millions, or even 10-20 million, no one cares (even if they care, they will miss out). Ps. Fight’s highest market value is more than 80 million

3. Exchanges have become a key role. At the most intense moment of the competition for the leader on SOL, gate came out to support the lowercase neiro, becoming the heaviest weight on the scale and determining the outcome of the battle. This may also be a reflection of the ability of the dealer. In the future, whether for the community or the dealer, the competition for "exchange support" has become the key to victory, rather than sitting back and enjoying the success as before; winning means "winner takes all", and most of the market traffic will quickly turn over, and the winner will enjoy the traffic dividend. In addition, I feel that the gameplay of meme coins is getting closer and closer to vc coins. The biggest feeling of this round of bull market is that Binance Kuku has vc coins, enjoying its own traffic dividends. There are very few coins that are listed on Binance purely by strength.

When a meme coin that has gone viral has a market value of over 100 million or even hundreds of millions, and the second-tier exchanges are basically full, everyone's last hope is to reach the top of BN, but in most cases, the hope is dashed. No matter how popular the community is, no matter how fiercely everyone calls, if BN is not listed, it will slowly cool down and enter a continuous downward trend. Then in the future, if exchanges and institutions personally step in as the dark dealers of meme coins (they can decide the leader of a meme IP, and listing on an exchange means traffic and coronation), the wild dealers and old dealers on the chain will also tremble in fear, and the dimensionality reduction attack will come sooner or later.

4. Talk about your views on CTO (community takeover). Most CTOs are scams. For example, when a coin falls to a certain level, a "savior" will appear, shouting: "I will organize the CTO, I will pay, update the market website information, and create a new official website. Let's firmly believe in making it bigger and stronger together." Some even directly raise funds, defraud donations and run away. Some may be trapped and want to get out of it, so they pretend to be CTOs, recharge everyone's faith, and some people buy the bottom of the coin to pull up the price, so that he can run away; some may also be professional CTO scammers who specialize in eating people's blood buns. They see which coin is more popular and has no project party. The coin price has fallen several times in the short term. After buying the bottom, they pretend to be CTO, and the coin price rises and they run away with their own profits. The above gameplay may appear n times at the same time in a coin, causing the believers of the meme coin to be constantly pua

5. The phenomenon of "bad money driving out good money" not only occurs in traditional industries and the live broadcast industry, but also in the cryptocurrency circle. It is not an exception, nor is it a paradise. For individual investors, just adapt to it. Idealistic concepts such as "perfectionism" and "first is first" are just one of the propaganda tools. Don't take it too seriously. In most cases, it is often the "consensus of idiots is also a consensus" that wins.