Trader mentality training: Desensitization method helps emotional management!

In the world of trading, mentality is often the key to winning or losing, far beyond the technology itself. Many traders are proficient in various skills, but often find it difficult to make a profit because of emotional out-of-control.

Excellent trading mentality is not innate, especially calmness and decisiveness in the face of market fluctuations, which requires careful cultivation. For most traders, training to improve mentality is a must.

Actual combat experience: Actual combat is the best whetstone. Through high-frequency short-term trading, constantly facing the instant feedback of the market, this kind of pressure simulation in a real environment is far beyond the reach of simulation.

Progressive position management: Appropriately increase the position to make the trading pressure more real, but remember not to bet everything on one throw. The purpose of this is to allow you to gradually adapt to and overcome the psychological pressure in trading within a controllable range.

Recording of emotions and ideas: Whether it is instant thoughts or emotional fluctuations during trading, they should be recorded. Find a way that suits you, whether it is text or notes, which can help you find a clear thinking path when you are nervous. Combined with relaxation methods such as walking, the effect is better.

Strategy first, logic as the basis: before each transaction, clarify your strategy and logic, and write them down. Such a sense of ritual can provide you with additional psychological support in trading and reduce emotional interference. For example, insist on not blindly chasing high prices and rationally assess risks.

Self-remind to avoid repeating the same mistakes: summarize and record your common mistakes as a "wake-up call" in trading. Always remind yourself to use strategic thinking to avoid these traps.

Improving the trading mentality is a practice, which requires us to keep sharpening with the most sincere attitude and scientific methods. Only in this way can we move forward steadily in the storms of the market and achieve continuous profits.

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