According to TechFlow, on July 29, PancakeSwap officially announced the destruction of 8,888,476 CAKEs, equivalent to approximately US$18 million.

The specific sources of destruction include: in terms of transaction fees, AMM V2 revenue was 140,000 CAKE (US$281,000), an increase of 66%; AMM V3 revenue was 105,000 CAKE (US$209,000), an increase of 11%; non-AMM revenue was 200 CAKE (US$500), an increase of 24%.

Forecasted revenue is 57,000 CAKE ($114,000), down 6%; lottery revenue is 24,000 CAKE ($48,000), down 18%; NFT revenue is 300 CAKE ($1,000), down 19%; game revenue is 1,000 CAKE ($3,000), down 3%.