With a forecast loss of up to 5 billion USD, OpenAI is on the brink of bankruptcy.

According to TechSpot, the company behind the famous ChatGPT chatbot is facing the risk of bankruptcy within the next 12 months due to huge operating costs. According to a report by The Information, OpenAI is burning through billions of dollars each year in technology and personnel costs. The cost of operating ChatGPT alone is up to $700,000 per day.

Sam Altman: He is currently the founder (Founder) of Worldcoin and CEO of OpenAI - the company that develops the famous AI ChatGPT tool

Although ChatGPT has achieved huge success with 100 million users after just a few months of launch, the company's revenue is still not enough to cover its costs. OpenAI is said to be losing $5 billion this year and could run out of cash within the next 12 months if it fails to raise more capital.

This is not the first time there have been reports of OpenAI's difficult financial situation. Last year, The Economic Times also reported on the company's possible bankruptcy due to the high cost of training AI (artificial intelligence) models.

Some industry analysts say that creative AI is a bubble that will soon burst. They question Nvidia's ability to maintain growth and warn about the inherent problems of creative AI such as lack of return on investment, high power consumption...

However, the fever surrounding creative AI shows no signs of cooling down. OpenAI is continuing to invest in this technology and hopes to overcome the current difficulties. However, the future of the company is still a big question mark.

The idea of ​​​​creating Worldcoin originated from co-founders Sam Altman (CEO OpenAI) and Alex Blania about a digital identification protocol to support the distinction of real people and AI. To do this, the project created Orb to scan the user's retina and provide each user with a unique digital identity "passport" called World ID. 
👉Currently, Nvidia's capitalization reaches more than 3,000 billion USD, OPEN AI is facing the risk of bankruptcy if it cannot raise more capital, investing in the AI ​​segment is extremely expensive, most importantly, it is Samsung's brainchild. It's very dangerous, it's been divided many times, so be wary of investments that could be like delisted coins that have pumped hard......