The Chinese living in the United States are finally panicking. Recently, the United States has placed homeless people in Chinese areas, which has aroused dissatisfaction among many Chinese. Perhaps for Americans, this is just the beginning.

The richest Chinese, Zhao Changpeng, is being targeted by the Americans

At the end of 2023, Zhao Changpeng, the founder of Binance, who is worth tens of billions of dollars, became the biggest victim of the year. He was once the richest Chinese with 634.8 billion yuan. It was because he chose to believe in American law that he became a disgraced prisoner. Even if he paid a fine of 7.2 billion US dollars, he still could not escape the fate of being robbed. After a wave of operations, Zhao Changpeng successfully became a lamb to be slaughtered. It seems that the Americans are ready to start a move against wealthy Chinese in the United States.

In 1977, Zhao Changpeng was born into an intellectual family in Lianyungang, Jiangsu. In the late 1980s, Zhao Changpeng immigrated to Vancouver with his parents and became a new Canadian. It was this decision that made him completely lose the exclusive rights of Chinese citizens in the world. He then successfully completed his computer science degree. After graduating from university, he became a software developer and worked at the Tokyo Stock Exchange, focusing on the development of a system for matching orders. With some achievements, he chose to set up a software company in Shanghai in 2005 to develop a trading system for Chinese securities companies. Zhao Changpeng then chose to conquer the virtual currency trading platform, which provided the necessary conditions for his successful takeoff.

Zhao Changpeng's Amazing Entrepreneurial History

In 2017, when the time was right, Zhao Changpeng led his team to establish the Binance platform. In just three months, the profit reached 7.5 million US dollars, and in about half a year, it reached an astonishing 200 million US dollars. This made Binance famous in the financial circle, so the People's Bank of China had to order it to stop. Virtual currency is characterized as an illegal financial activity. So, Zhao Changpeng led his team to start the global wandering mode for the first time. Why do I say that? Because although China is the first country to say No to virtual currency, the United States, Britain, Japan, South Korea, Russia and other countries have subsequently issued bans on Zhao Changpeng's business. But Zhao Changpeng did not get discouraged. He distributed his 4,000 employees all over the world and turned them all online. He could still do it in full swing. This also successfully turned Binance into a mysterious company. Because there is no headquarters and the employees have no fixed place to live, it is difficult to find someone.

The Americans used their trump card, and Zhao Changpeng gave in

Pay attention, here comes the point. As Binance's business grows bigger and bigger, even the daily profit can reach hundreds of millions of dollars, it has to attract the attention of the Americans. In their eyes, only American companies can enjoy high profits. Another important reason is that Binance virtual currency challenges the hegemony of the US dollar, which means that the cheese of the Americans has been moved, which makes the Americans have to take action against Zhao Changpeng. In fact, everyone is in this global village, and everyone has two brushes. Zhao Changpeng will put his assets in his own encryption platform just in case, and no one can take them away. Even if the Americans tear open their faces and rob them, I believe he will be in vain. Moreover, Zhao Changpeng is now a Canadian citizen, and he has no fixed place to live. It is not an easy task to catch people. Zhao Changpeng has made plans for all these. In order to eliminate the trouble forever, Zhao Changpeng even applied for the UAE nationality, because Canada and the United States have an extradition treaty, but the UAE does not. For him, this is already perfect. But he did not expect that the Americans would be so shameless, and it also taught the world a deep lesson. The US officially announced that Zhao Changpeng was classified as a terrorist and had contacts with al-Qaeda, because with this charge, they could launch a global mission to kill him. It was exactly what they said: anti-gangsterism requires charges, while anti-terrorism only requires coordinates.

Unexpectedly, this trick really worked. Zhao Changpeng immediately gave in. He couldn't escape to a place outside the earth for refuge, so he actively looked for people to negotiate with the US, admitted the crimes he had committed, and in order to express his sincerity, he voluntarily resigned from the position of CEO of the company, and in order to protect himself, he readily agreed to pay the US 4.5 billion US dollars. It was precisely because Zhao Changpeng made such a confused decision that he fell into an irretrievable situation, because the Americans felt that he gave the money so readily and felt that asking him for less, so a more disgusting method was about to come out. The Americans were professional in this regard. They asked Zhao Changpeng to come to the United States to clear his name. Zhao Changpeng felt that the money had been paid as agreed, and maybe he would just sit down to understand the charges and sign something, and the matter would be over.

Zhao Changpeng was arrested, the US has a big appetite

Unexpectedly, Zhao was detained as soon as he got off the plane. At this time, he realized that he had been deceived, but it was too late. The Americans even tore up the contract reached by both parties and once again raised the fine to 7.2 billion US dollars. This made Zhao doubt the contractual spirit of the United States. However, Zhao only admitted the crime of money laundering. However, for the interests of the United States, they found other crimes committed by Zhao, and these fees could not eliminate the new charges. The Americans even urged Zhao Changpeng to get out how much money was left in his account. This is the true face of the so-called free America. Before coming to the United States, he promised to serve a one-year sentence, but he did not expect that it would be changed to a ten-year sentence after he came. Such an inconsistency is obviously like boiling a frog in warm water, but Lao Zhao now knows that he has been fooled. Even if he puts in all his money, it will be in vain. So he started a tug-of-war with the US. But for the US, as much as they can squeeze out is the best. After all, they are just detaining one person and there is no loss. This is a perfect interpretation of a gangster.

On the Importance of Having Chinese Nationality

In April 2024, the United States filed 13 charges against Zhao Changpeng and sentenced him to four months in prison. However, whether he can be successfully released by then depends on whether the United States will go back on its word when faced with this piece of fat meat at its fingertips. Zhao Changpeng will definitely face many long nights in the future. This case proves how important it is to have Chinese nationality. Chinese nationality is also one of the most difficult nationalities to obtain in the world, because no matter where we go, the motherland is our strong backing, just like a few years ago, after Huawei's Ms. Meng Wanzhou was detained for three years by the United States without reason, she was finally released with the efforts of many parties in the country. He was successfully released and returned to his country. No matter how capable a person is, if he does not have a country to protect him, it is easy for the United States to harvest his wealth. In recent times, the United States’ intention to harvest the wealth of Chinese in the United States has become more and more obvious. Freezing bank assets is only one of them. They even ask Chinese to sell their properties within two years, otherwise they will become fixed assets in the United States. The key is that the price of buying a house has been reduced to one tenth of the original house price. This is definitely a disguised way of harvesting wealth. It has to be said that the United States is a sharp sickle, waiting to harvest the wealth of the world. It is really unscrupulous, just like bandits.

If Zhao Changpeng had not given up his Chinese hukou when he was young, he would not have ended up in such a miserable situation. How important is it to have the nationality of a strong country? We should be proud of being Chinese. Thank you for watching! #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #BTC #ETH $BTC $ETH $SOL