There is a general consensus in the currency circle: for BTC, if everyone thinks the top is 100,000, then it will definitely not reach 100,000.

Why? Because when the price rises to 80,000, the expected profit is greatly reduced, and no one is willing to take over or continue to carry the order. Without a buyer, how can it continue to rise? Can burning a few hundred million at the crossroads push up its price?

If we assume that BTC can really rise to 100,000, then the leeks in the market must at least think that the top of this wave can steadily exceed 150,000. Those who enter the market at 95,000 must still have the expectation of at least 50% profit in their hearts.

In other words, the market must believe that the top of BTC is much higher than 100,000 to truly drive the price up. This is the key to market psychology and expectation management.

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