What's this new way of playing? Beating the dog? I don't understand and I can't follow!

You can't stroke the hair, it's all scientists' home turf!

Pledge is a game for big players, why are retail investors following suit?

What happened to the second level? Why did it fall back? Where is my increase? Where is my profit?

No one is willing to take over from each other. No one is willing to take over from each other. It is so difficult to make money even in a bull market. It is too difficult.

Look at the past, you could make money easily by buying with your eyes closed!
Have there been many that have touched your heart?
Is this really the case?

Isn’t this an objective situation?
Judging from the facts, the earning power of this round of bull market is indeed not as strong as before. There is no overall outbreak. There are many local ups and downs. Most opportunities appear in the early stage of new hot spots and the first rebound V-shaped reversal after a big drop. The durability is poor. In other words, the life cycle is short, the participation threshold is high, and the comprehensive level of players is required to be high.
There is a saying that goes

Excellent people are all similarly excellent, but difficult people each have their own difficulties
Money is never easy to make. With fierce competition, you either have to surpass others or find another way.
Anyway, don't forget
There is really good money to be made

Time for space
Let me reiterate the same old story. If there are only a few people who can outperform Bitcoin, why don’t you just play Bitcoin? If you don’t have time to do high-difficulty gameplay, why just simply take advantage of the periodic dividends?
Still too little, too slow

Fixed investment? Too slow

Financial management? Too slow

Holding Bitcoin? It’s too slow! Look at how fast others can turn things around by 100 times
Getting rich slowly isn't bad. Think about it, why don't you set up an automatic fixed investment in the institute, put the saved funds into financial management, and work and earn money yourself? It's good enough to come back and collect the rice after a year.

The key is that you don’t have to do any useless work or think about it. You just need to buy the dips and sell the tops after Bitcoin is on the news.
It's so easy to make money, but people just don't care about it.

You may say that you don’t have that much money, so you can only try to make a small investment for a big gain. I’m here to get rich quickly, not to manage my finances. Financial management is for the rich and powerful, and I can’t afford it.
I can understand you, but can you understand yourself and the market?

Don't worry, the road ahead of you is very difficult.

Seemingly difficult money
On a difficult road, there is little competition and money is easy to make. Do you all agree?
But if I say that many difficulties are things that you feel are difficult, things that you dare not even try in your imagination, but when you actually do them you find that they are not difficult, and as long as you accumulate you can make money, do you believe it?
For example, when it comes to content output, too many people are discouraged, thinking that they can’t even write an elementary school composition, so why bother outputting? Outputting is useless.

In fact, everyone loves to read guides, which are almost just a running account. You can get a lot of fans just by writing guides. Guangzi is waiting for you behind.
There are also service providers, water sellers, and technical developers (yes, this is actually not difficult). Most of these options have the following characteristics:

Cognitive threshold: it is difficult for ordinary people to realize its money-making effect

The initial hands-on threshold is always full of obstacles and the hands are unfamiliar.

Accumulative, once it works, it will become easier and easier. If you have the awareness of optimization, you will succeed sooner or later.
You may ask, the cognitive threshold is not a threshold? The hands-on threshold is not a threshold? The optimization awareness is not a threshold? There are so many thresholds, it is not easy at all!
I understand that if you want to make a lot of money quickly, it is not easy to spend ten days or half a month to open up a new path with all your heart and soul. It does not fit the impetuous nature of the cryptocurrency circle.
On the contrary, those cases that seem to be easy to make money and have exciting stories of getting rich quickly have attracted a large number of coin friends who rushed in and ended up bleeding and losing money.
What I'm talking about is a way of thinking that always takes a step back, strives to make money with real ability, and becomes the fulcrum in the market. When your risk is only the risk of not doing it, take a step forward, and never take a step back. Doesn't it feel great?
Ah~ When will the beauty of accumulated certainty be experienced by everyone?

Only earn one or several kinds of money
There are too many ways to play in the cryptocurrency circle, and everyone is doing this and that. How strong a team must be to be able to specialize in each one?
Don't expect a team to help you master everything. Only when you are willing to dig a deep well can you win over others.
As with the second point, people who specialize in only one way of playing and have all their energy in playing will definitely have a stronger ability to make money than those who cannot resist various temptations and only stay at a shallow level.
Remember, I'm talking about how to play, not the sector or the currency. For example, people who play with money play with money every day, and even if they speculate in coins, they only speculate in the coins they have made. People who beat dogs can beat dogs all day long and ignore the secondary market.
Be cautious when alone

After so many years, the people around me who make money

Smart and capable

There are only large cycles

There is a man who dug a deep well

Most of them
Maybe it is not that difficult to make money in this bull market. It is only those who do not make money who think it is difficult.
They have never had an easy life, or
Never grew up