Yiming's Trading Diary

All contents in this article are personal opinions and are for learning and communication purposes only. They are not used as a basis for investment. If you act based on them, you will bear the risks at your own risk.

After two days of strong rebound, BTC is now in chaos mode. It is unclear whether it will break through a new high or fall back. The reasons are as follows:

1: The daily line closed above the bull lifeline yesterday, indicating that the bulls are strong. This is in sharp contrast to ETH, which has not even reached the four-hour bull lifeline.

2: Furthermore, this station has not broken through too much and is also near the marginal line, so we need to further observe whether this will be a temptation signal. If it closes above this lifeline today and tomorrow, it means that the nature of the market may change. If it does not close above this position, we need to be wary of this temptation signal.

Reference: A temptation signal appeared on April 8 this year, and the situation was similar to the current one.

The situation is currently unclear, so just observe from the sidelines and don’t consider ambush orders for the time being.

Message: Life is short, like the spring of plants and trees, it comes like wind and rain, and goes like dust.