Since virtual currency transactions are not illegal, why do banks restrict the transfer of virtual currency transactions?

It is no longer legal for individuals to trade virtual currency in China. Of course, there is no explicit provision that such personal investment behavior is illegal or even illegal.

Illegal mainly refers to your virtual currency, which is no longer a legal personal asset protected by law. Once the virtual currency is stolen and the secret key is leaked, you can only suffer in silence.

So why do banks restrict virtual currency transfers?

In fact, this statement itself is problematic. What the bank wants to restrict is the bank flow generated by your virtual currency transactions.

Since virtual currency has long become a hotbed for the circulation of black money and laundering, there are also many criminals who use virtual currency to launder money and run points, and the decentralized nature of virtual currency itself brings great difficulties to the investigation of the flow of funds behind it. It can be said that virtual currency transactions not only test the technical capabilities of public security organs, but also test the maturity of the risk control of the banking system.

Therefore, starting from the second half of 2022, most bank cards that are subject to bank risk control due to virtual currency transactions will not be unblocked. The reason is simple. Your behavior of trading virtual currency is expressly prohibited by the state, so the consequences of bank card freezing are at your own risk!

Since virtual currency transactions make it easy to freeze cards but difficult to unfreeze them, "preventing problems before they happen" is particularly important.